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Employee Scheduling Software | Can Do

Mann_Gesichter_People-Management-e1492092831848-800x570-1 Can Do: People are the focus


Overview, planning and control of the workload of employees and departments in companies is provided by the project management and employee scheduling software Can Do. In addition to professional project and portfolio planning, Can Do's employee scheduling software also provides an application for managing the activities of companies' departments. Easily and conveniently, department and team leaders can use this software to plan and control regularly recurring tasks of their employees in an application tailored to their needs. For example, they can use the software's scheduler to map maintenance projects, basic workloads as well as training measures, vacations or services. Can Do's employee scheduling software gives department managers a comprehensive overview of work, workload and availability of their employees in the company. A reliable capacity forecast can thus be the basis, for example, for further personnel planning and for the coordination process between project and line for the provision of employees for projects.


Kapazitätsplanung, Ressourcenmanagement, Mitarbeitereinsatzplanung, Personaleinsatzplanung Utilization analysis (click to enlarge)


The most complete possible mapping of employees' activities - whether in projects or in their departments - in a system or within a software is the basis for a reliable capacity analysis. Only if as much work as possible in the company is recorded in a quantifiable way does a realistic capacity analysis for employees and departments result. Therefore, in addition to its project and portfolio management tools, Can Do has developed employee resource planning software as an instrument for planning and controlling the activities of employees in the individual departments. Can Do thus presents itself as a comprehensive software solution for resource management in companies.

Can Do includes applications for project and portfolio management as well as software tools for demand management and team task management and employee scheduling software.


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Unser Blog bietet fundierte und praxisorientierte Inhalte rund um Projektmanagement, Ressourcenmanagement und den Einsatz von KI in Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, Fachleuten und Entscheidungsträger:innen Werkzeuge, Strategien und Inspirationen an die Hand zu geben, um ihre Projekte und Ressourcen effizienter und erfolgreicher zu steuern.

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