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1 min read

Digital business models make travel superfluous

Do you work and plan remotely in your company? Then you work without interruption in times of travel restrictions and are definitely ahead of the game.

Learn more about the advantages of digital business models in an interview with Ingmar J. Rath

Ingmar R. RathHave you already digitalized the processes in your company? In our interview with Ingmar J. Rath, former CEO of Integrata AG, who has responded to our questions, you can find out why it would make sense for entrepreneurs to think about digital business models in times of travel restrictions, what the first steps might look like and what obstacles need to be overcome:

Can Do: Mr. Rath, why do you think it makes sense for entrepreneurs to increasingly focus on the digitalization of business processes in times of travel restrictions?

Ingmar Rath: All companies that have already digitalized their business processes and are able to communicate online have it much easier to continue their business in times of travel restrictions. Digital organizations work without interruption, even if some of the team members are sitting at home. Besides saving time, we also help the environment.


Can Do: You speak from experience. What are the first steps towards digitization?

Ingmar Rath: First of all, it makes sense to choose a communication and collaboration platform such as Skype, Amazon Chime or Microsoft Teams. Very important and very helpful is shared data management, most securely in the cloud. Using software as a service solutions eliminates the hurdles of connecting to proprietary business solutions and they are available everywhere. Use the time you gain by working virtually for digital learning at home at your desk.


Can Do: What hurdles have to be overcome and what advantages do you see for companies in the short, medium and long term by switching to digital business processes?

Ingmar Rath: Entering the digital world is not always easy, because everyone has to use the technology. I also need tools to identify who is where and what resources are available for a digital work package. I recommend a Digital Readiness Check to identify the quick wins.

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