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10.07.2024  | 2 min

Project status reports: The crucial importance of real-time systems

Traditional project status reports are an essential project management tool used to regularly inform stakeholders about [...]
02.07.2024  | 2 min

Why mothers are ideal managers of multiple projects and resources

Life as a mother is a constant balancing act between the demands of family, professional life, and often personal [...]
01.07.2024  | 2 min

European Championship: An Example of Effective Resource & Project Management

When we think of the UEFA European Football Championship, we see the drama, the passion, and the sheer physical [...]
21.05.2024  | 5 min

Project management reimagined: strategies for project success

In this article, our guest author Peter Burgey addresses a topic that project managers would often like to avoid: [...]
17.05.2024  | 1 min

Attendance times versus time reporting

In the dynamic world of project and portfolio management, efficient resource management and accurate time tracking are [...]
17.05.2024  | 5 min

Save time with Can Do

Can Do is an innovative project management software that aims to significantly increase efficiency and productivity in [...]
16.04.2024  | 1 min

AI in Project Management: Download the E-Paper Now

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, but can it truly address the specific challenges in project management? In his [...]
12.04.2024  | 1 min

Skills shortage: from crisis to opportunity with artificial intelligence

The presentation 'Skills Shortage: From Crisis to Opportunity with Artificial Intelligence,' by Can Do CEO Thomas [...]
12.04.2024  | 3 min

Superintelligence: artificial intelligence must humanize

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to replicate the human brain with artificial neural networks and learn how we humans [...]
12.04.2024  | 2 min

Artificial Intelligence, Risk Management, Workforce Optimization

In a recent article from Computerwoche titled 'How AI Will Support Our Work in the Future,' the findings of the current [...]
28.02.2024  | 2 min

6 Benefits for Management

In an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, it is essential for the executive leadership to have tools [...]
26.02.2024  | 3 min

The right time for software implementation

In an era characterized by advancing digitalization, companies are confronted with the need to constantly improve and [...]