PM software as a sales argument - part 1
Anyone offering a service to a prospective customer is often faced with a dilemma: what is being offered is not as tangible as a concrete product....
Articles, stories & posts about resource management, suitable software, artificial intelligence, hybrid project management, digital transformation, agility, Jira & Co.
Anyone offering a service to a prospective customer is often faced with a dilemma: what is being offered is not as tangible as a concrete product....
In the previous post, Can Do developer and CEO Thomas Schlereth looked at the promising effects of professional project management on the bidding...
When it comes to project management, looking back is just as exciting and entertaining as looking forward to the future! We asked Heinrich...
Challenges everywhere you look: As a project manager, you're used to this kind of outlook - but this year could have been a little quieter. 2022...
If a country's economy fails to grow or even shrinks (measured in terms of GDP) for two...
Select and manage the right projects with the right portfolio management software.
When it comes to the human component in project management, problems are unfortunately not far away either ... Thomas Schlereth writes about the...
We have already reached part 4 of our blog post series on resource management - and this time Thomas Schlereth leaves the project management theory...
The value of sensible planning in project management and resource management cannot be overestimated. In the third part of our blog post series,...
The human factor in project management resource planning: Thomas Schlereth dealt with this in Part 1 of our series on resource management. In the...
Agile project management, classic methods, hybrid project management, PM software and artificial intelligence: (digital) technology supports project...
Modern business life has changed for virtually all companies. Many decisions, especially in project management, must be made quickly, numerous...