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In an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, it is essential for the executive leadership to have tools that not only enhance efficiency but also provide profound insights into operational activities. Can Do stands out as such a pm-software by being specifically tailored to the needs of the top corporate level.

6 Vorteile für die Geschäftsleitung-2

The Benefits of Can Do Specifically for Executive Leadership

Can Do transforms the way the executive leadership of a company achieves its strategic goals, manages risks, and enhances operational efficiency. Through the integration of advanced technologies and data-driven analytics, Can Do enables precise and dynamic control of all corporate processes. This tool equips leaders with the necessary information and insights to make informed decisions that directly aim at improving business outcomes. Here is a detailed explanation of the specific benefits that Can Do provides specifically for executive leadership:

Benefit 1: Strategic Decision-Making Based on Real-Time Data

The executive leadership can monitor the status of ongoing projects in real-time. This allows for quick responses to changes and informed decision-making. For example, a CEO can identify that a critical project is at risk of missing its deadlines and can promptly reallocate resources or provide additional support. Comprehensive portfolio analyses, including key metrics such as progress, earned value, or plan vs. actual comparisons, are available for this purpose. These analyses are visualized not only in tabular views but also in graphics, with popular choices including bubble charts that, for instance, display project risk on the X-axis and project benefit on the Y-axis.


Benefit 2: Comprehensive Project Simulations for Future Initiatives

One of the most significant mistakes that can be made by the executive leadership or middle management is approving new projects that the organization cannot realize with the available capacity and the existing skills of the employees. As personnel often attempts to carry out the project, it puts other projects at risk due to these overloads, creating a dangerous downward spiral that may become permanent. Before initiating new projects, the executive leadership can conduct detailed simulations in Can Do to better understand the potential for success and possible risks. For instance, a CFO can explore various budget scenarios to assess the financial viability of new initiatives. Additionally, the available resources are simulated, often incorporating different probability values for each project, which is particularly crucial for customer projects originating from a sales pipeline (Salesforce, MS-Dynamics, etc.).

Benefit 3: AI-supported Risk Assessment and Action Recommendations

Through AI-supported analyses, the executive leadership gains insights into potential risks and can take preventive measures. For instance, a risk manager could receive alerts about resource shortages or market trends and proactively address them. The AI focuses the management's attention on the truly relevant issues that require intervention. Endless lists, confusing tables, and meaningless PowerPoint slides are avoided. This significantly saves time and creates transparency.

Benefit 4: Analysis of Internal Capabilities and Needs Assessment

Can Do helps the executive leadership to identify existing skills within the company and those needed for future projects. This aids in making strategic decisions in workforce planning and sizing up the necessary training measures. Additionally, 'make or buy' decisions can be confidently made in this way. Long-term staffing shortages become visible well in advance and can be averted.


Benefit 5: Revenue Increase through Efficiency Improvement

By optimizing staff utilization and improving work processes, the executive leadership can enhance the efficiency of the company, ultimately leading to an increase in revenue. Furthermore, integrated benefit analyses are represented in so-called scores (see explanation of scores in the Can Do knowledge base).

Benefit 6: Comprehensive Overview of the Company

Can Do provides a comprehensive overview of all business areas, assisting the executive leadership in keeping an eye on the big picture and taking corresponding actions. Additionally, the executive leadership can be automatically informed by Can Do when events occur in projects or portfolios that are of such significance that the executive leadership should be aware of them. These events may include significant deviations, increased risks in projects or portfolios, etc.


These specific advantages make it easier for the executive leadership to lead the company with greater confidence, clarity, and strategic direction by enabling them to make crucial decisions based on comprehensive information.


As a member of the management board, Thomas is responsible for the operative management of the development including conception, design and further development of the software. He also advises customers on best practices and supports the roll-out.

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