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Increasing demand for PPM and resource management software

The ideal time for growing companies with 50+ employees

From excel chaos to structured project planning – the next step in your growth
Ariane Becker
09.09.2024 | 2 min reading time

Project Management Office

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project management tools

Project planning

As a sales representative, I am in daily contact with companies that are going through an exciting phase of growth. They are expanding, hiring new talent, and taking on more projects – but suddenly they realize that their current tools and methods are no longer sufficient. Many companies with around 50 employees reach out to us because they feel that manual planning is no longer working. What used to run smoothly with Excel quickly becomes chaotic and unmanageable. At this point, it becomes clear: it's time for professional project management software that makes a difference!

EN - Der ideale Zeitpunkt für wachsende Unternehmen mit 50+ Mitarbeitenden (1)

The perfect time for change

When your company reaches the 50-70 employee mark, it’s the ideal moment to implement project management software. Why? Because everything is possible right now! Your organization isn’t yet stuck in old structures. You’re looking for pragmatic processes and want to know what the best practices in your industry are. It’s an exciting phase of experimentation and learning, and a tailored multi-project management software can be the game-changer that takes everything to the next level. (More on the right time for software implementation).

From Chaos to Clear Processes

In nearly every conversation I have, the focus is the same: working efficiently without losing track. Most companies I speak with are fed up with spreadsheets that constantly need updating, are prone to errors, and can no longer keep up with the pace. A project management software and a resource planning tool can work wonders here:

  • Create transparency: See at a glance which projects are running and how your resources are allocated.
  • Increase efficiency: Automate routine tasks and avoid duplication of work.
  • Make informed decisions: Rely on up-to-date data instead of gut feelings.

Best Practices and Experienced Consultants at Your Side

And the best part? When you implement project management software, you're not just getting a tool, but also access to real experts. These experienced consultants bring valuable insights and best practices tailored to the needs of your growing company. Especially during this phase, where you're still defining your processes, this input is invaluable. It’s about avoiding mistakes others have made and taking the right steps from the beginning.

Leverage Flexibility and Adaptability

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In this growth phase, you have the opportunity to shape your workflows flexibly and with a future-oriented mindset. No rigid structures holding back innovation—just open, curious teams ready to improve.

In this phase, project management software is not just a tool for increasing efficiency, but an investment in your future. It’s your key to turning good growth into great growth!


In my conversations, I always emphasize: When your company reaches the 50-70 employee mark, it’s the perfect time to switch to project management software. It’s about keeping an overview, using resources wisely, and successfully completing projects. The best time is now, before old patterns become entrenched. With the right software and a team of experienced consultants by your side, you can set your company on a course for sustainable success and impressive growth. Are you ready to take the next step?

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Ariane Becker
Written by

Ariane Becker

Ariane Becker is in continual exchange with interested parties from various industries. Her main focus is to bring the right information and suitable experts together and getting directly involved in the use cases and the software.