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GPM specialist group "Project management in medium-sized companies" gives practical tips for successful project work

Projektmanagement_TaschenrechnerProject management is often inadequately implemented, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Convincing SMEs of the positive effects of project-oriented work and allowing them to participate in it is the aim of theSection "Project Management in Medium-Sized Businesses" of GPM German Association for Project Management. In its latest recommendations, the group has turned its attention to the topics of risk management and structuring of projects. Risks in particular are handled very differently in medium-sized companies: In some cases, risk management is carried out very professionally, in others it is ignored completely. And this despite the fact that the analysis and management of opportunities and risks is the basis for successful project work.

Lateral thinkers as part of risk management

The specialist group provides numerous practical and easy-to-implement tips in its Risk Management recommendation paper. For example, it advises to carry out a risk analysis as early as the bidding phase for a project, preferably with a team representing all the areas involved. In addition to working with checklists, templates and so-called "living danger lists", a culture of lateral thinking should also be established to identify opportunities and risks. It is also important to internalize that additional efforts (time, costs) are required when risks occur. Here you will find the recommendations of the GPM specialist group "Project Management in Medium-Sized Businesses" on the topic "Work Breakdown Structure Plan


Risikomanagement, inakkurate Planung, Projektmanagement-Softwware
Working with inaccurate values and with integrated risk management



Project structure plan as the basis for efficient project implementation

The work breakdown structure belongs to the small basics of project management. It divides the overall task of the project into phases and individual work packages. It provides an overview and transparency in the project. GPM's specialist group "Project Management in Medium-Sized Businesses" recommends that the level of detail in planning be adapted to the level of knowledge and, if necessary, that placeholders be used for packages that cannot yet be planned exactly. (See also: Working with inaccurate data and values). It should be technical and not chronological and should always be prepared before the start of the project by a group representing all project participants. Here you can find the recommendations of the GPM specialist group "Project Management in Medium-Sized Businesses" on the topic "Work Breakdown Structure Plan". 

Unser Blog bietet fundierte und praxisorientierte Inhalte rund um Projektmanagement, Ressourcenmanagement und den Einsatz von KI in Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, Fachleuten und Entscheidungsträger:innen Werkzeuge, Strategien und Inspirationen an die Hand zu geben, um ihre Projekte und Ressourcen effizienter und erfolgreicher zu steuern.

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