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Skill management: next generation resource planning

  • Project management software from Can Do enables resource planning based on skills
  • Software takes skill combinations into account and warns of overload if not enough employees with the required skills are available

SkillsThe project management software from Can Do will in future offer optimal personnel deployment in projects based on skills. The new skills management makes resource management even more efficient, as the Can Do software not only takes into account whether a department or certain employees still have free capacity to take on certain tasks in the project. The planning and control tool also checks whether there are enough employees with free capacities to take over the tasks in the project for the skills required. The project management software allows the project manager to combine several skills in the requirements. As with all capacity calculations at the solution provider Can Do, the in-house developed dynamic matching procedure Watermodel® is also used here, which enables the optimum use of resources.

The best professionals for the most important projects

Also in the field of skill-based resource management, project managers, project managers and resource managers can work with realistic - i.e. inaccurate - data and values in the Can Do software. Using the Watermodel® algorithm, the software calculates the risks of possible overloads or other planning risks and issues appropriate warnings.

By combining several skills, the project manager is able to find suitable specialists for his or her project and to manage them as efficiently as possible. For this purpose, skills in resource management can be linked to departments. In addition, for example, locations can also be stored as skills in the Can Do software, so that the project manager requests the skills "location Munich", "Java skills" and "project management" from the development department for a work package for one phase of his software development project. This request appears to the head of the development department. He immediately sees which of his employees have these skills and who is still available in the requested period. With a mouse click he assigns the corresponding employee from his team to the work package. The table planner function of the Can Do software proves to be an effective analysis tool for skills management in this context.

In a further step, Can Do's project management software also enables skills planning at the project portfolio level. This makes the prioritization of projects even more precise and reliable. In addition, by planning projects in the portfolios, companies can also forecast their future skills requirements and initiate countermeasures such as further training and education at an early stage.

Do you have questions about our skills or resource management? 

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