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Save time with Can Do

Written by Thomas Schlereth | 17.05.2024

Can Do is an innovative project management software that aims to significantly increase efficiency and productivity in companies through automation and intelligent features. By integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, Can Do offers unique solutions to the challenges of modern project management. This software revolutionizes the way projects are planned, executed, and monitored by simplifying time-consuming processes and speeding up decision making. The following are practical examples that illustrate how Can Do can effectively save time in various areas of project management. Some of the time figures are estimated, but are also based on manual measurements through surveys.

1. Project manager: planning projects

By using templates and building blocks, an entire project can be generated or assembled. What is special about Can Do is that the templates already include requirements and quantities of resources, departments, or skills. The project manager can see in real time whether the project or these parts are feasible at all. The time savings are considerable when entire projects or parts of them recur in various projects. If only 25% of the project is 'routine,' the planning process can also be reduced by 25% in terms of time.

2. Suggest resources

The requirements for working on projects are initially usually entire departments or skills. The forecasting function in the project planner app takes this specification, finds all the individuals who meet this specification, and simulates whether an overload would occur for the selected planning object. It primarily displays available and suitable individuals. This eliminates the need to inquire with the individuals (or their managers) or to 'try it out.' This can save several days of effort during the project duration in project staffing.

3. Have the AI suggest alternative resources

This spectacular feature is one of the most frequently used features in Can Do. In the event of an overloaded resource, a neural network searches for an alternative that is sufficiently available and suggests it. Through the decisions of the project manager, the network learns to make increasingly better suggestions. Project managers tell us that this saves them several hours of work per week.

4. Send dashboards and reports as a link to recipients

The link in the browser in Can Do not only directs to the app itself but also to the data currently loaded in the app. This link can be sent to the steering committee or management, for example, using an integrated email function. When the recipients click on the link, not only is the app loaded, but also the report, the project, or the analysis. As a result, a manual reporting system with exports to Excel or PDF is no longer necessary. If the recipients also save this link as a favorite in their browser, they can retrieve the analysis at any time as needed without having to ask the project manager. The savings on both sides, project managers/department heads and management, can amount to several hours per month and are standard in many companies that use Can Do.

5. Risk analysis in vacation requests or approvals

This feature may seem of little relevance at first glance, but over the course of a year, the multitude of vacation applications and approvals adds up to a time savings of several days. When applying for vacation, the employee can check whether the vacation could cause a problem in the projects. They can still submit the request, and the 'approver' will also see the problem. With this feature, the project manager can be informed early and respond accordingly. For example, the vacation may be postponed, or the project manager may find an alternative solution. The time savings are significant since all parties involved do not need to manually check the conflict beforehand. A single click is sufficient, and all parties are informed.

6. The Jira-Integration

This significant time saving occurs only in companies that work in hybrid parallel with Jira. Since the interface mirrors every action in Jira in real-time in Can Do, manual synchronization is not necessary. Reporting to the project manager is also eliminated at this level. Typically, 2-3 hours per sprint (about 2 weeks) are saved here. Here you can find more information about the Jira integration.

7. Integration of SAP, AP+ or other ERP systems

A similar effect is created by these standard interfaces. Whether SAP's order management automatically generates projects or budgets in Can Do, or time tracking in Can Do is specifically used for billing to SAP-PS or AP+, manual transfer and duplicate entries are eliminated. Depending on the business processes in the companies, a project manager can save up to one day per month. Additionally, the error rate is significantly reduced.

8. Progress reports and time tracking by project staff

Not only the app provided to employees but especially the mobile app for iPhone and Android leads to significant time savings for both the employees and the project manager. Employees can quickly and easily report their work progress, delays, or working hours in real time. The project manager sees this immediately (as well as the impacts of any deviations) and does not need to manually request the status of work from colleagues. This saves several hours per month for all involved.

9. AI analyses and projects and portfolios

Of course, the highly developed models of artificial intelligence save the most time, as they are modeled after human analytical methods and learn at a rate millions of times faster. A manual analysis of the current progress of a project or future risks is only sensible when the risk is accurately assessed by the project manager. Since projects often contain many potential risks, particularly when it involves overloading individuals, it is crucial to correctly assess each of these overloads. This is exactly what Can Do's AI does. Recommendations such as 'Intervene' or 'Ignore' provide the project manager with precise indications of whether action is needed. The analysis takes only a few seconds by AI, whereas a manual analysis at this level is extremely laborious and practically impossible. Project managers report to us that it saves them 3-4 hours of work per week.

10. Real-time responsiveness saves time

All information in Can Do is available in real-time. That means, for instance, if an employee's vacation is approved and this creates a problem, it is displayed live on the project plan or the department head's capacity overview in the table planner in less than a second. All users can always rely on the data being up-to-date. This leads to significant time savings and responsiveness of all involved parties. For example, if a work package needs to be extended by two weeks (due to an underestimation), the project manager can easily make this adjustment in the plan. Whether this creates a problem can be seen in less than a second. If a salesperson inquires on behalf of a client whether a new project can start two months earlier, it is simply carried out with the mouse. If the light stays green, everything is fine; if it turns red, the AI can indicate what the problem is. The information and decision are provided in seconds.

Typically, project managers and department heads always have Can Do open as a tab in their browser. When manual changes or extensions to the project come from outside, they are directly updated in Can Do. Can Do immediately indicates whether action is needed, as it monitors not only resource overloads but also mandatory deadlines, budgets, etc. The time a project manager or department head needs to spend each week to coordinate and align everything is significantly reduced. According to their own statements, this group saves up to one workday per week.


The commonly voiced concern that the introduction of Can Do will lead to more administrative work is completely unfounded. This administrative and leadership work needs to be done in companies even without Can Do. However, Can Do significantly reduces this workload. Particularly because the artificial intelligence and other features take over the more "boring" routine tasks. For new clients, we calculate a time saving of about 50% in project management tasks to assess the benefits of Can Do.