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Can Do User Blog

ME+ App: Key Features and Benefits for Users

The ME+ app was developed to help employees and teams manage their working hours and tasks more efficiently. It is designed to make both weekly work schedule planning and the recording of actual hours worked clear and simple.


Team+ - The new app for all team and department leaders

In a fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, team and department leaders face the challenge of not only leading but also efficiently...


Introduction of Can Do Base Foundation

The requirements for data-driven decisions are growing - the Can Do Base Foundation provides you with an indispensable basis for integrating your Can...


Metrics: Performance or SPI

Can Do calculates the so-called Performance for each project, which behaves exactly like the Schedule Performance Index (SPI).


1 min read

Excel export from the server with PDC - improvement

Reports in Can Do with PDC can, among other things, be directly generated as Excel files. These can also be based on Excel templates. The reports are...


New Login Screen

The new login screen is ready; yes, we've taken some inspiration from Apple Cloud sign-in here :-)


New App: Milestone Trend Analysis

Unfortunately, this standard analysis has been forgotten in recent years. However, it has seen a resurgence in demand lately, prompting us to develop...


Color Themes in Progress - First Impressions

Different color and icon combinations (themes) allow our users to choose what they like. These themes will apply to all apps. We'll likely start with...


Chat function directly to our support

So far, questions about Can Do apps have been answered through KeyUsers at the customers or via our HelpDesk. We want to shorten this process and...


Financial allocation of costs and revenues for activation

Many projects are structured in a way that a company delivers a certain output over weeks and months (such as software development), but is only paid...


Promotional Video for JIRA Migrator

Here is a short video from our film team about the JIRA Migrator:


Additional Time Scale in Planner App

For very long-term projects, although the visible time period can be limited via the time filter, you might still want to see the project in its...
