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Can Do User Blog

1 min read

AI Robot, how does it work?

Can Do never changes data in the system on its own. Thus, no packages are moved or resources automatically assigned.

However, sometimes it can be...


1 min read

Display Baselines (in the Project Planner app)

A baseline in Can Do is a complete copy of all project information at the time the baseline was created. Truly, all data is internally copied,...


1 min read

Ramp-up as a video

The RampUp of a Can Do system refers to the agile, incremental implementation of the solution within a company using real data by the users. With the...


Target-actual comparison for portfolios

What is a project portfolio?

A project portfolio is a collection of projects and programs managed by an organization to efficiently achieve...


Attach a JIRA server to multiple Can Do servers

Admittedly, the use case I'm describing here is somewhat unusual and may not occur often, but I would still like to explain it.

In addition to our...



In a RampUp, users from new companies are gradually familiarized with the software. With the support of Can Do consultants, real data is built up and...


2 min read

FAQ Artificial Intelligence

The AI introduced for alternative resource discovery in the summer of 2023 is now available and in use for all customers. Initial experiences have...


The next generation of AI in Can Do available to all users

The existing AI, which provides recommendations for action in case of individual overload, is receiving an additional model. This model suggests...


Communication in Can Do

No matter how large the projects or how extensive the project portfolios: Can Do ensures that you as a project manager are always up to date and...


Time recording and archiving

We have added three buttons to the View tab in the Time Recording application. These allow you to control whether or not to display items from...


The History Table

Can Do records every action that changes data in the system. In this article I describe why this is so important, what you can do with it and what...
