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Can Do User Blog

Bubble Chart for Portfolios

In the well-known app "Manage Portfolios" is a static bubble chart that visualizes the three values: risk, benefit (score) and effort.Users...


The next generation of Can Do AI

We have now almost completed the next generation in Can Do's resource management tool.

The previous AI, which indicates a recommended action when...


Messages for all users

We've added another feature to the tools for administrators. It is now possible to display specific messages at the top of all apps at a specific...


Create a project backup copy

Although a Can Do system is extremely secure and data loss never occurs, there are other reasons to back up an individual project. One example is...


Tips and tricks: Speed in the project planner app

With the Project Planner app, Can Do has a tool that can handle even extensive portfolios and large amounts of data. The basic rule here is that the...


User Statistics in detail

How intensively do individual users use Can Do, the software for project management? In the administration area, a personal usage statistic of the PM...


New mobile app version: Can Do Hours

On 24.2.2023, a new version of the mobile app for Can Do time recording was released in the Google Play Store and the Apple IOS Store.


The project logbook: all project changes at a glance

Can Do logs every change to the system in an audit-compliant history. All objects, i.e. work packages, projects, etc., have their own little logbook....


Negative Score and Bubble Chart

A project's score represents its benefit and can be entered into our Can Do project management tool. Now, a project can also "do harm". The question...


AI Heatmap Chart

Can Do AI can analyse entire portfolios for risk and make recommendations. The results often form the basis for decisions by project and team...


Formatted text

Previously, descriptions of projects, packages, or requirements in project requests could only be stored as plain, unformatted text. We have now...


Burn Down Chart

A burn down chart shows graphically how the planned work becomes less and less towards the end of the project. At the top left is the total amount of...
