Metrics: Performance or SPI
Can Do calculates the so-called Performance for each project, which behaves exactly like the Schedule Performance Index (SPI).
Can Do calculates the so-called Performance for each project, which behaves exactly like the Schedule Performance Index (SPI).
Here is a short video from our film team about the JIRA Migrator:
For very long-term projects, although the visible time period can be limited via the time filter, you might still want to see the project in its...
1 min read
Can Do never changes data in the system on its own. Thus, no packages are moved or resources automatically assigned.
However, sometimes it can be...
Admittedly, the use case I'm describing here is somewhat unusual and may not occur often, but I would still like to explain it.
In addition to our...
In a RampUp, users from new companies are gradually familiarized with the software. With the support of Can Do consultants, real data is built up and...