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Can Do User-Blog

Fast in Echtzeit aus der Can-Do-Entwicklung: Wir berichten über neue Features und zeigen Tricks für Anwender. Ihr könnt kommentieren und auch kritisieren – Vorschläge werden gerne angenommen!

In a fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, team and department leaders face the challenge of not only leading but also efficiently organizing their teams. The innovative app Team+, designed specifically […]

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Unfortunately, this standard analysis has been forgotten in recent years. However, it has seen a resurgence in demand lately, prompting us to develop an app for it. Every change in […]

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Different color and icon combinations (themes) allow our users to choose what they like. These themes will apply to all apps. We'll likely start with 3 themes, with the first […]

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A baseline in Can Do is a complete copy of all project information at the time the baseline was created. Truly, all data is internally copied, involving several hundred fields […]

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Although a Can Do system is extremely secure and data loss never occurs, there are other reasons to back up an individual project. One example is project managers who want […]

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