Team+ - The new app for all team and department leaders
In a fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, team and department leaders face the challenge of not only leading but also efficiently...
In a fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, team and department leaders face the challenge of not only leading but also efficiently...
Unfortunately, this standard analysis has been forgotten in recent years. However, it has seen a resurgence in demand lately, prompting us to develop...
Different color and icon combinations (themes) allow our users to choose what they like. These themes will apply to all apps. We'll likely start with...
1 min read
A baseline in Can Do is a complete copy of all project information at the time the baseline was created. Truly, all data is internally copied,...
Although a Can Do system is extremely secure and data loss never occurs, there are other reasons to back up an individual project. One example is...