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1 min read

How will project management skills change as a result of digitalization?

Digitization is leading to changes in work processes and the skills required for them in all areas of companies. Among other things, we want to take a closer look at project management competencies. The GPM specialist group "PM at universities" took this development as an opportunity to examine the changes triggered by digitalization in the GPM competence model and to prepare a study.

Which areas of competence are affected?

In der Studie werden die drei Kompetenzbereiche persönliche und soziale Kompetenzentechnische Kompetenzen und Kontext Kompetenzen unterschieden. Im persönlichen Bereich ist beispielsweise der Einfluss sozialer Medien auf die Teamarbeit und Kommunikation betroffen, der die Mitarbeiter in Projekten vor neue Herausforderungen im täglichen Miteinander stellt. Im technischen Bereich der Projekte wird neues Know-how erforderlich, da Projektdokumentationen zukünftig nur noch digital erfolgen werden. Ebenfalls nimmt der Einfluss agiler Methoden durch die Planung und Steuerung von Projekten in kürzeren Zeitabständen zu und erfordert u.a. den versierten Umgang mit neuen Tools als Projektmanagement Kompetenz. Kontext-Kompetenzen bzw. Skills / Fähigkeiten wie Compliance, Governance, Kultur und Werte werden hingegen als im Unternehmen bzw. im Team nicht praktikabel digitalisierbare Kompetenzen eingestuft.

The study distinguishes between the three competence areas of personal and social competencies, technical competencies and contextual competencies. In the personal area, for example, the influence of social media on teamwork and communication is affected, presenting employees in projects with new challenges in their daily interaction. In the technical area of projects, new know-how is required because project documentation will only be digital in the future. Likewise, the influence of agile methods increases due to the planning and control of projects in shorter time intervals and requires, among other things, the adept handling of new tools as a project management competence. Context competencies or skills/abilities such as compliance, governance, culture and values, on the other hand, are classified as competencies that cannot be digitized in a practical way in the company or in the team.

>> Download GMP study on impact of digitalization on project management (PM) competencies and PM teaching. 


Aim of the study - project management competencies

The aim of the study is to provide project managers with an insight into the areas of competence that have changed as a result of digitization, so that they can assess these new requirements and meet them in the future. Recommendations for necessary changes in PM teaching for companies can also be derived from the findings of the study.

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